Canceled: Fall Race to Solomons: Feeder Race for Screwpile

September 25, 2021 all-day
Boat Location:
Haven Harbor White Dock #38
20880 Rock Hall Ave
Rock Hall, MD 21661

This event is canceled

This is feeder race for the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge; In the Red will be staying in Solomon’s Sunday and Monday for the Screwpile 2 day event. Boat will return to RH either Monday right after races or Tuesday (to be determined).

 The first warning signal for the race is scheduled for 0930. We will have to leave dock promptly at 6am. Classes will be started in approximate “reverse order” with slower classes starting first.
Race will be point-to-point using government marks from Thomas Point, Annapolis, MD to Solomons, MD.

 Crew can stay overnight on board In the Red or reserve hotel rooms at Holiday Inn at discount rate (SIP code).  

Be at Haven Harbor White Dock #38 - Sat September 25th @ 12:00AM EDT

Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Antoinette Helm
Jack Spinnaker Trimmer
Mike Main Trimmer
Ren Jib Trimmer
Sam Foredeck
JimS Crew ?
Laney Pit X not available for tuesday, I have to be back Monday
Total Crew 6 = Confirmed (5) + Maybe (1) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned
Post # 105

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