20880 Rock Hall Ave
Rock Hall, MD 21661
Check in is 0800 and first warning is 0900.
Skippers, crew & guests invited by TAYC to the Hammond Memorial Party for a la carte dinner and cash bar
Saturday afternoon & evening, afternoon dock band, dance band at night. Breakfast & Hammond Punch
available on Sunday morning. Contact TAYC 410.226.5269 for tickets.
We will stay overnight and cruise back on Sunday.
Notice of Race
Be at Haven Harbor White Dock #38 - Sat September 11th @ 5:30AM EDT
Club Website: Naval Academy Sailing SquadronRegistration: Link
Race Results: 5 of 7 Post # 95
I adjusted boat departure time; boat leaves dock at 5:30am.
Bring your own lunch. I will have water in cooler in cockpit.
There is food for purchase at the event; dinner and breakfast in the morning.
I’ll bring bread, peanut butter and jelly for sandwiches on Sunday or you can bring something else of you like.