Saturday Race

July 10, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Boat Location:
Haven Harbor White Dock #38
20880 Rock Hall Ave
Rock Hall, MD 21661

This is a practice for those supporting ITR racing on Fridays or for the CRCA/CBYRA races. This is opportunity to become more familiar with boat and  practice/improve on various maneuvers for all positions. We especially need to focus on synchronizing spinnaker launch set, gibe, douse.

Time is flexible based on availability. Could be morning or late afternoon practice.

Be at Haven Harbor White Dock #38 - Sat July 10th @ 9:00AM EDT

Race Results: 1/4  
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
Antoinette Helm
Carla Crew
JimS Pitlook forward to new position
Laney Jib Trimmer
Roger Stay Ashore X
Total Crew 4 = Confirmed (4) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned
Post # 94

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  1. This event is now a pop up race with the RH group, race starts at 10am so be at boat by 9am.

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